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Bulk export appraisal PDFs

Note: Client administrators can batch export sets of appraisals. The appraisals are delivered in a compressed (zip) file to your Rival SFTP folder.

  1. Access the Manage Workflow Templates page.

  2. Click Export.

    The Appraisal Export page opens:

  3. Select a reviewer and form and one or more appraisal launch groups.

    Tip: Email address for completion notification is set to your email address by default. You can change it if you want.

  4. On the confirmation dialog, click Yes.

    A background task is created to generate the appraisal PDFs. A status for the background task appears above the Export button. The status indicates pending, in progress, or completed.

    When the background task is completed, an export completion notification is sent to the email address and a zip file containing the PDFs is delivered to your SilkRoad SFTP folder.

    The PDF files have this naming convention:

    internal id~employee name~workflow name~period start date~period end date~appraisal unique id