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Aggregate Reports

Rival WingSpan offers three report options once the assessments are complete and closed including Assessment Summary, Assessment Detail and Strengths & Room for Improvement.


A module in Rival WingSpan designed to provide managers and employees a way to measure skills and accomplishments with reasonable accuracy and uniformity.


The person who is being assessed.


A module in Rival WingSpan by which an individual’s job performance is scored and assessed. The assessment process may include both internal and external participants.


The person creating the assessment. Assessors may be internal or external participants who can evaluate the assessee’s skills and abilities as they pertain to job responsibility and requirements.


A block of high speed memory where data is copied when it is retrieved from the RAM.

Calculate Rollup Scores

During an appraisal, you may choose to calculate the rollup scores. The rollup scores provide you with the overall appraisal score without having to save the ratings you have selected.

Comment Sections

Used throughout the appraisal and assessment forms to allow you to add additional information to support rating or include general information. You may enter text or copy and paste from documents and email.

Compliance Checker

When enabled, Compliance Checker allows you to automatically check for non-compliant words or phrases. Compliance checker is available for use in appraisals, assessments and the employee journal.

Content Management

Rival WingSpan uses Library Builder and Profile Builder, window application tools, to create and manipulate Voyager content. Library Builder is used to create and organize the content for assessments, appraisals and surveys. Profile Builder is then used to take that content and assign rules to determine how it appears to the end user on the page.

Development Planning

A module in Rival WingSpan that allows employees to create and manage plans of activities they want to accomplish throughout a plan period.

Due Date

The date the task is required to be complete. Due dates turn from green to red as tasks become overdue.

Email Notifications

System generated emails are sent throughout the various planning stages to inform you of new tasks and keep you updated through the process.

Employee Role

Refers to the employee either completing the task or having the task completed for his or her benefit.


Employee Performance Management (EPM) application.


Specific objectives or targets for a period of time.


A text field that you can add detailed information about your task and view document details that are automatically generated (such as approval status).


With the release of Rival WingSpan version 7.080, localization is now supported. With this feature, users can view and interact with Rival WingSpan in their native language.

Manager Role

Refers to the employee’s direct manager.


Rival WingSpan has four available modules including Assessments, Appraisals, Performance Goal Planning and Performance Development. Each module can operate separately or together as an integrated employee performance management solution. Each module is color coded for easy identification. Assessment tasks are Orange, Appraisal tasks are gray and Performance Planning tasks are green.

My Profile

Located on your Home page, your profile includes personal and employment details. All updates to your profile are made by your administrator.

My To Do list

Located on your Home page, your To Do list includes tasks that you are responsible for completing along with the associated due dates and status.


Narratives provide instructions and prompts displayed within Rival WingSpan.

Navigation Bar

A menu of links located on the left side of the screen, which allows access into the various planning stages.

Next Level Manager Role

Refers to the Manager above the Direct Manager.


Your password is system generated. You may change your password after login by clicking on Change Password on the Navigation bar.

Performance Planning—Goals

A module in Rival WingSpan allows employees to create, define and manage specific goals and objectives throughout a plan period. A goal is also known as a Performance Objective.

Rating Scale

Each assessment and appraisal has a corresponding rating scale with complete description to gauge behavior and/or competency for each task.


Succession Planning Administrator (SPA)

Spell Check

Rival WingSpan offers you the option to use spell check which automatically checks for spelling errors.


Single Sign-On


The status of a task helps you track your progress throughout the process.

Succession Planning

A module in Rival WingSpan that allows Succession Planning Administrators to create and manage succession plans and evaluate incumbents and candidates using the Comparison Matrix.

Supported Browsers

The browsers on which Rival WingSpan is supported.

Trigger Options

A term used to describe specific scenarios when emails are sent. The Client Administrator can choose to send emails when specific actions are met.

User ID

Your User ID is system generated and given to you along with a Password by your Administrator.

Welcome Screen

The front page of Rival WingSpan, also known as, your Home page.

Writing Assistant

Writing assistant provides suggested phrases and for use in appraisals and assessments which can be enabled or disabled based on your preferences. Rival WingSpan contains a generic Library with one Model, one Cluster and 40 Competencies with behaviors which can be mapped and then assigned. There are also 40 unique Writing Assistant Phrase Libraries comprised of varying Reasons and six toned-phrases per Reason.