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Aggregate reports

Once the assessments have been completed and closed, you can view reports created on your behalf or if you are a manager, you can view your employee’s assessment reports.

Rival WingSpan offers three different report options including Assessment Summary, Assessment Detail and Strengths & Room for Improvement.

Follow these steps to a view a report:

  1. From the Navigation bar under Assessments, select Aggregate Reports.
  2. Use the filters to narrow your search results and view the corresponding reports.

    Select your filters and click Show Filters. Your selected filters are displayed.

    Click OK to view the available reports. The reports are listed at the bottom of the screen.

    Click Reset Filters to reset the filters. You can choose to apply Assessment, Employee and/or Relationship filters.

  3. A list of available reports is located at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Select the report you wish view by clicking the View Report link.
  5. When you are done reviewing the report, click Finished to return to the User Reports screen. Optionally choose to Download PDF or Download HTML.