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Set up student side enrollment

Student groups can be set up to allow student side enrollment. Use the Student Side Enrollment function to do this.

When setting up student side enrollment groups, demographic fields must be defined that expose Student property fields to the Student Profile page. Although the profile may contain any Student property field, the LOGIN ID and PASSWORD fields must be created as a minimum.

To set up student side enrollment, perform the following:

  1. From the navigation bar, click Learning>Plan>Student Groups.

    The Student Groups page opens.

  2. Enter the filter criteria for a specific student group, then click Search or leave all the filter criteria blank and click Search to display a list of all student groups.
  3. In the list beside a student group, click and then click Properties.

    The Student Group Properties window opens.

  4. From the Student-Side Enrollment drop-down box, select an option.
  5. Click Save.