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Content workflow is initially defined when an administrator sets up content workflow stages on the Company page, which is accessible via the Settings link under the Enterprise Management tab.

The Content Object (CO) Properties sheet contains a workflow status and stages area. Content objects can be in Authoring, Staging, or Library stage.

  • Authoring includes the initial development phases of the content object. This is where content objects are created and edited.
  • Staging is the review and approval, or return-for-revisions, of the content object. To revise the content object it must be returned to Authoring status.
  • Library (Library>Content Library) is for all approved content objects. To revise the content object it must be returned to Authoring status.

If the workflow notifications are set up, changes in workflow status can trigger a workflow notification to the appropriate role.

Development stages can be customized to further indicate the status.

Users can:

  • Change the Status between Authoring, Staging, or Library.
  • Change the content workflow stage.
  • Change both the status and workflow stage.
  • Sort content objects by workflow status in the CO list.

When Content Workflow Stages are not defined, users can change the status between Authoring, Staging, or Library.

Security settings can be set against functions within Authoring, Staging or Library. Security settings will affect whether users can change status in the property sheets.

Users require EDIT privilege to modify CO status in each of the three tabs: Authoring, Staging or Library.

Users require APPROVAL privilege in Staging to move a CO from Authoring to Library or from Staging to Library.