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Primary Objective

Each tree menu item by default references a "Local" Primary Objective. This objective can be used to evaluate a sequencing rule on the current activity by referencing the Primary Objective in the rule. Alternatively, a tree menu item MAY reference one or more objectives that can be used to evaluate a sequencing rule on any other tree menu item in the object. The Primary Objective can be assigned by mapping the tree menu item to the local Primary Objective so it can be shared with other activities in the tree, or to one or more defined enabling objectives within SilkRoad Learning. The status of any mapped objective is determined by the status of the current activity local objective.

Alternatively, any SilkRoad Learning exam can be used to set the measure and status for all referenced enabling objectives within the exam. Sequencing rules associated to a referenced objective will be evaluated based on the current status of the referenced objective determined by its association as a Primary Objective for a tree menu item or its current status as an outcome of an exam result.

In this section

Default Primary Objective

Primary Objective Map

Objective Map

Local Reference Objective Map