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Add a Student Report
  1. From the navigation bar, click Learning>Monitor>Company Reports.

    The Company Reports page opens.

  2. Click Add.

    The Company Report Properties page opens.

  3. Type and title and description for the company report.
  4. Do not select the Enabled check box until the Report filters have been saved.
  5. In the Source Report box, search for and select the source report.
  6. From the Type drop-down box, select Student.

    Note: Only reports ENABLED in the Reports Tab may be added as a student Report.

  7. Click Add.
  8. On the Company Reports page, search for the student report.
  9. In the list beside a report, click and then click Preview.

    The report filter window opens.

  10. Set the filters for the report to the appropriate settings for the Student report.
  11. Click Generate to preview the report and validate the correct filter settings for the student report.
  12. Click Save to save the filter and any title as appropriate for this Student Report version.
  13. From the Company Reports window, click Search to search for the saved report.
  14. In the list beside a report, click and then click Properties.

    The Company Reports Properties page opens.

  15. Select Enabled check box to enable viewing of this report in the student homepage.
  16. Click Save.