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Address Book Entry Properties page

On the Address Book Entry Properties page, you define an address for a specific address type.


Type: Select one of the following address types:

  • Administrator
  • Instructor
  • Student
  • Student Group
  • Workgroup
  • Other

The type you select controls the remaining fields on this page.

Administrator (Administrator type selected): Click search magnify glass icon to search for and select an administrator.

Instructor (Instructor type selected): Click search magnify glass icon to search for and select an instructor.

Student (Student type selected): Click search magnify glass icon to search for and select a student.

Student Group (Student Group type selected): Click search magnify glass icon to search for and select a student group.

Workgroup (Workgroup type selected): Click search magnify glass icon to search for and select a workgroup.

Other (Other type selected): Provide a last name, first name, middle name, company name, email address, and description.