Checklist Authoring page

On the Checklist Authoring page, you select the elements (content) to include on a checklist. This page has two primary sections:

Checklist Builder panel

The Checklist Builder (left panel) contains all the elements that can be added to the checklist. The following table shows supported elements.

Element type



Information that precedes check boxes or text in a checklist. A header contains a header title and description.


An element that can be checked when completed. It contains a check box, task title, and a description. It can be set to be required or not.
A checkbox element also contains a comments box, which can be hidden. A comment can be set to be required or not.


An element in which you can add text description. It can be set to be required or not. A text element contains a task title and a comments box, which can be hidden. A comment can be set to be required or not.

There is also a Preview button, which shows what the checklist looks like when it is pushed to students.

Content panel

The Content panel (right panel) shows checklist content. The checklist title and description appear at the top followed by checklist elements.

Adding and arranging content

You add and arrange content by dragging and dropping elements. Find an element in the Checklist Builder panel, and drag it to the Content panel. After that, add text and make any necessary edits, and then arrange appropriately within the checklist.

Setting element properties (including making elements required)

You can set element properties, including making elements required, by clicking the options icon and selecting Edit Properties.

On the Task Properties pop-up, select options:

See Also

Creating (authoring) a checklist

Create (author) a checklist

Change checklist content