Specialize a notification
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- From the navigation bar, click Administration>Notifications.
- Click the tab containing the notification.
- For the notification you want, click the template row (blank asterisk line) in the specialization table.
- On the Edit Notification page, click a specialization button. (Do this first before customizing. If you customize a notification and then click this button, your changes are lost.)
Tip: Button label varies based on the notification. Examples: Specialize on User Key Properties, Specialize on Events, Specialize by Task Definition, and so on.
- On the pop-up window, make selections.
- (If applicable) Customize recipients and content.
- Click Save.
The specialization appears in the specialization table. The order in which is appears matters. The system processes specializations from the top to the bottom. Move it up or down based on how you want it processed.