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Enter a task title as it will appear in the summarized task lists and reports.

Task Definition ID

Enter a unique (string) identifier for the task. The definition ID is optional but recommended. It can be used to cross reference a task with an external source. The definition ID is also:

  • An available filter criteria for tasks in the Add a Task option on the dashboard.
  • The sort criteria for the display on the Manage Task Definition page.

Task Description

Enter a description to appear in the Task Summary page.


Make one or more selections to affect how the task can be assigned:

  • The Restrict reassignment to Event Coordinator check box applies to the ability to assign a task to a different employee. If you check this option, only the event coordinator can assign the task.
  • The Restrict reassignment to within the Team check box applies to who the task can be assigned to. If you check this option, the Assign link allows the employee to choose only members of the assigned team.


Make one or more selections to affect how the task can be re-opened:

  • The Restrict reopen to Event Coordinator check box applies to the ability to assign a task to a different employee. If you check this option, only the event coordinator can assign the task.
  • The Always reopen dependent tasks check box applies to automatically reopening dependent task(s) if the parent task is reopened. If you check this option, the dependent tasks will automatically be reopened if the parent task in the task workflow is re-opened.


Make one or more selections to affect how the task can be completed:

  • The Task cannot be completed from the task summary page check box applies if you do not want the benefiter to be able to complete the task through the Task Summary page. A task restricted with this option must be Save and Completed through a custom portal page (or some execution of the web service call). The Save and Completed button will not be available on the Task Summary page.
  • The Is self completing check box applies to set this task to be a self-completing task. A self-completing task is marked completed as soon as it is activated. Self-completed tasks are useful as notification style tasks (sending notifications).
  • The Task can only be completed on a mobile device check box indicates that the task can only be completed from a mobile device.

Completed before activation

Select one of the following to control how the task can be completed before activation:

  • Never
  • By Event Coordinator Only
  • Always