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Restore points

A snapshot of the category hierarchy is available by using restore points. An administrator can use a restore point to revert to a previous version of a category hierarchy.

If you are editing your category values and the change is going to modify the category hierarchy (for example, some change other than a name change, a portal role assignment change, or a code value change) you can optionally create a new restore point.

You need the ManageCategoryUpload privilege to use restore points. If you do not have this privilege, contact Support.

On the Manage Hierarchical Category Values page, click:

  • Show Restore Points to show your existing restore points.
  • Create a New Restore Point to create a snapshot that will be available to revert back to if you choose to do so.
  • Preview to view an export of the existing category hierarchy in XML format.
  • Revert to restore the selected version of the category hierarchy.
  • Delete to delete the restore point (history) from the application.

Note: A restore point is automatically created at the start of an upload. No restore point is created for update codes operation because it does not affect hierarchical structure.