Request a document to be reviewed
- You can set up one or more uploaded documents to be reviewed within a task.
- The task assignee can review documents without having special permissions.
- If a review task is assigned to a team that does not have privileges to view uploaded documents, the task does not present any documents for reviewing. Instead this message appears: There are no documents. After a team member claims the task, saves changes and returns to the task, team members can then view the documents and complete task.
- From the Employees Instruction tab, click Request a document to be reviewed.
- Click Select the document type to be reviewed and click one of these options:
- (Benefiter) Document Upload: Used when the upload is done by the event benefiter. (Benefiter) is whom the event is for. Example: New Hire Document Upload.
- Employer Document Upload: Used when the upload is done by an event, person, or a team.
- Click Add Document Attribute.
The Include Attribute for Matching pop-up opens.
- Enter the default value for the document title. It must match the document title as designated in the Document Upload task.
- Click Add.
Tip: If there are more documents to be reviewed within this task, click Add Another Document Attribute and add another document.
- Click Next or Save.