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Define (add) a transformation

  • Super technical users (implementation, support) do this. Client administrators do not.
  • There are multiple ways to associate a transformation definition with the input XML: by name, employee, or name/employee pair. Choose the option that best applies to your implementation. (See below for additional details.)
  1. From the navigation bar, click Administration>Manage Transformations.
  2. Click Add Transformation.
  3. Enter a transformation name or a user name or both.
  4. Select an input file from the drop-down list to transform the input XML.
  5. Select an output file name from the drop-down list to transform the method output.
  6. Choose Save to make the transformation available (publish).

Name, employee, and name/employee details

  • If you enter a name but do not select an employee, <TransformationName>Name</TransformationName> node is included in your input XML.
  • Defining a transformation by employee instead of name allows you to use input XML without modifying it to include a <TransformationName> node.
  • If you select an employee and do not enter a name in the transformation definition, employee selection is filtered to members of the Services and Bulk Uploaders teams.
  • If an employee is included in the definition, each time you execute a BulkUserUpload, XmlUserEdit, LaunchEvent, or UpdateEvent, CategoryUpload, GetUserIDList,  GetTasks, GetUserProfileEx2, AddTaskEx2, GetCompletedFormsList, GetUploadedDocumentList, CompleteTaskEx, ReopenTask, AddTaskNoteEx, AssignTask, GetFormXmlEx, FieldValueUpload method, the transformation is applied.
  • If multiple employees are defining transformations with the same name but with different XSLTs, include a name and employee.
  • If a single employee is defining multiple transformations, include either just the name or a name/employee pair.