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Link POBs

The Link type is used for standard pages, custom pages, and links to pages.

  • A Standard Page is a standard Rival WingSpan page. The best method for setting permissions is to use the Manage Navigation page. Note that when:
    • ‘Show’ is set for a node on the Manage Navigation page, the POB permission is automatically set to "All : Edit"
    • 'Hide’ is set for a node on the Manage Navigation page and the response to "Do you want to remove the permission for this node?" is "Yes", the POB permission is automatically deleted
  • A Custom Page is a custom Rival WingSpan page. The page is created on the Manage Navigation page by clicking "Insert Node" and using the "Select custom node to add" option. The best method for setting permission is to use the Manage Navigation page. Note that when:
    • ‘Show’ is set for a node on the Manage Navigation page, the POB permission automatically is set to "All : Edit"
    • ‘Hide’ is set for a node on the Manage Navigation page and the response to "Do you want to remove the permission for this node?" is "Yes", the POB permission is automatically deleted
  • A Link is a link that appears on a page. Permission is set using the Edit Role Permissions page.

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