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Turn on the Integration Platform import process for a field view

  1. From the Navigation bar under Site, select Manage Field Views.

    The Manage Field Views page appears.

    Embedded File Template 80%

  2. For the field view you want, in the Actions column, click Edit Import.

    The Edit Import window appears.

  3. Select the Enable all fields in XML Template for import check box and click Save.

    A Change Confirmation warning appears.

  4. Read the warning and be aware that if you continue:
    • You can no longer edit the fields for the particular field view in Rival WingSpan
    • Data that already exists in those fields in Rival WingSpan will be overwritten by the import
    • Overwritten data cannot be recovered (Rival Support cannot restore it)
  5. Do one of the following:
    • Click Yes to continue and turn on the Integration Platform import process for this field view. A check mark appears in the Import Enabled column on the Manage Field Views page.
    • Click No to cancel and leave the fields editable via the Rival WingSpan user interface.