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Edit role permissions

  1. From the Navigation bar under Employee, select Manage Roles.
  2. Select the Permissions link next to the role whose permissions you want to update.
  3. Use the Permissioned Object Type drop-down field to select the type of permissions you want to edit. Select Link to define page-level or functional-level permissions. Select Privilege to define element-level permissions (such as a tab on the Employee Profile). Select Data to define permissions for User Defined Field (UDF) Sets.
  4. Under the Actions column, click the Edit link to edit permissions for a Permissioned Object. The Employee List:Access column displays a Create Entry link, which when clicked, displays two drop-down fields.

  5. Select an Employee List in the left drop-down and Access in the right drop-down.

    For Employee List: Self is the employee logged in, Children is the set of subordinates employee in a Relationship, AllNoSelf is the set of all employees excluding Self, and All is the set of all employees.

    For Access: None is no access, View is read-only access, and Edit is read-write access.