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Add a query—Employee List

The query returns a set of distinct employee IDs as one of its fields. It is available for use on the Launch Configuration page.

Follow these steps to add an employee list.

  1. From the Navigation bar under Site, select Manage Queries.
  2. Click Add.

  3. Fill out the top section of the form:

    Display Name — The name of the Query that will display to the user.

    Display Description — A short description of the parameters of the Query (optional).

    Module — The Module, within Rival WingSpan, associated with the Query. This value is for information only; it does not impact the use of the query.

    Internal Name — The name of the Query that will display in the Query list.

    Internal Description — A short description of the parameters of the Query (optional).

    CrLf Delimiter — A character to delimit the EOL (end of line) of the text that comes out of the report. It is recommended that you use the pipe character |.

  4. Place a check mark next to Employee List.
  5. Click Employee List Query.
  6. Set the filters based on the selected query parameters.

  7. Click Generate Query.
  8. Click Save.