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Edit narratives

The Edit Narratives function allows you to edit any narrative in the selected set.

Follow these steps to edit a narrative.

  1. From the Navigation bar under Site, select Manage Narrative Sets.
  2. Use the drop-down list to select the Module.
  3. Under the Actions column, click the Edit Narratives link.

  4. Click the Edit link, under the Actions option, next to the narrative you want to edit.

  5. Make the necessary changes and click Save.

  6. Click Finished to return to the Manage Narrative Sets screen.

Note that system variables such as %WORKFLOW_NAME% cannot be changed or customized in Rival WingSpan. Changes to these variables could result in issues within the program. You must consult with your Rival WingSpan Implementation Consultant to make any changes to the system variables.

You may choose to delete System Variables in a narrative set copy; however, you should not delete variables from the Base Narrative set.