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Manage activity styles

The Manage Activity Styles page is used to add, edit, and delete the styles that can be associated with an Activity Type.

Follow these steps to manage activity styles.

  1. From the Navigation bar under Administration > Development Planning, select Manage Activity Styles. The Manage Activity Styles page displays showing you a list of existing activity styles. A green check mark displays in the In Use column if the activity style is current in use in the system.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • To add a new activity style, click Add New at the bottom of the page. A window displays that allows you to enter a name and description for the new activity style.
    • To edit an existing activity style, click Edit next to the activity style you want to edit.
    • To delete an activity style, click Delete next to the activity style you want to delete. Only activity types that are not is use can be deleted.