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Translate ranges

The Manage Ranges screen allows for the translation of range details. Here a translation can be provided for the base display text and base display value.

Follow these steps to access the ranges to translate.

  1. From the Navigation bar under Content Management, choose Manage Ranges.
  2. The Manage Ranges page displays. All ranges display in the list.

Follow these steps to translate a range.

  1. From the Navigation bar under Content Management, choose Manage Ranges.
  2. The Manage Ranges page displays. All ranges display in the list.
  3. Click the Translate link next to the range to provide a translation.
  4. The Translate Range Details page displays.
  5. Select the Language using the drop-down menu. This is the language the translation is to be provided in. Only supported languages are available for selection.
  6. For each item, enter the display value translation and text translation.
  7. Once complete, click Save and Close to update the range with the entered translated text.