Rollup criteria
In any SilkRoad Learning course, all activities are organized into clusters. A cluster consists of an activity and its immediate child activities. Each child activity contributes to the overall progress of the cluster. The process of calculating the overall contribution from all activities is called rollup. For example, consider this course structure:
The cluster Activity 1 consists of Activity 2, Activity 3, and Activity 5.
The student tracking data measures two main things:
- Whether course material was experienced by the learner, and
- Whether that material was also mastered by the learner.
In each case, SCORM (and SilkRoad Learning) provides ways to calculate partial completion and partial mastery (score).
Content authors may wish to ignore contributions to overall completion and mastery from certain activities. There are 3 components used to include and/or exclude contributions from each activity during rollup.
- Rollup Objective Satisfied – when true, mastery of this activity will contribute to the overall mastery of the cluster.
- Rollup Progress Completion – when true, completion of this activity will contribute to the overall completion of the cluster.
- Rollup Objective Measure Weight – this is multiplied with the score to calculate the contribution of the activity score to the overall score (measure) of the cluster. All contributions are then summed and divided by the total weights of all activities to calculate the cluster score.
In general, SilkRoad Learning is only concerned with mastery. A course is considered mastered when overall rollup of all course activities determines that the root activity has become mastered. Although completion is tracked and can be reported on, it is not otherwise a factor in overall course rollup.
A couple of examples will help illustrate how SilkRoad Learning calculates rollup:
In this example, Rollup Objective Satisfied is true for Activity 2 and Activity 3 (the Activities are Passed/Mastered), but false for Activity 5. Activity 5 is excluded from consideration for rollup of the cluster and so Activity 1 is marked as mastered.
In this example, Activity 2 has a Rollup Objective Measure Weight of 1.0 and Activity 5 has a Rollup Objective Measure Weight of 0.5. Activity 3 has a Rollup Objective Measure Weight of 0.0. Thus the overall score of the Activity 1 cluster is: (90 x 1.0 + 80 x 0.5) / (1.0 + 0.5) = 130/1.5 = 87%.