Sequencing rule conditions
The Rules list may contain a set of conditions that are evaluated in the context of the activity for which the sequencing rule is defined. To add a condition:
- Select the Add button below the condition list.
The Sequencing Condition Properties page opens.

- Set the Condition Operator:
- Match: Condition "Matches" or is TRUE.
- NOT Match: Condition "DOES NOT Match" or is FALSE.
- Select the Condition:
Known and Satisfied
The Condition evaluates to True if the Objective Progress Status for the objective associated with the activity (indicated by the Rule Condition Referenced Objective) is True and the Objective Satisfied Status for the objective associated with the activity (indicated by the Rule Condition Referenced Objective) is True. This is equivalent to the conjunction of the Objective Status Known condition and Satisfied condition and is most often used with the negative condition. (See NOTE below)
The Condition evaluates to True if the Objective Satisfied Status for the objective associated with the activity (indicated by the Rule Condition Referenced Objective) is True.
Objective Status Known
The Condition evaluates to True if the Objective Progress Status for the objective associated with the activity (indicated by Rule Condition Referenced Objective) is True.
Objective Measure Known
The Condition evaluates to True if the Objective Progress Status for the objective associated with the activity (indicated by Rule Condition Referenced Objective) is True and the Objective Measure Status for the objective associated with the activity (indicated by Rule Condition Referenced Objective) is True.
Objective Measure Greater Than
The Condition evaluates to True if the Objective Measure Status for the objective associated with the activity (indicated by the Rule Condition Referenced Objective) is True and the Objective Normalized Measure for the objective associated with the activity (indicated by Rule Condition Referenced Objective) is greater than the Rule Condition Measure Threshold.
Objective Measure Less Than
The Condition evaluates to True if the Objective Measure Status for the objective associated with the activity (indicated by Rule Condition Referenced Objective) is True and the Objective Normalized Measure for the objective associated with the activity (indicated by Rule Condition Referenced Objective) is less than the Rule Condition Measure Threshold.
The Condition evaluates to True if the Attempt Progress Status for the activity is True and the Attempt Completion Status for the activity is True.
Activity Progress Known
The Condition evaluates to True if the Activity Progress Status for the activity is True and the Attempt Progress Status for the activity is True.
The Condition evaluates to True if the Activity Progress Status for the activity is True and Activity Attempt Count for the activity is positive (i.e., the activity has been attempted).
Attempt Limit Exceeded
The Condition evaluates to True if Activity Progress Status for the activity is True and the Limit Condition Attempt Limit Control for the activity is True and the Activity Attempt Count for the activity is equal to or greater than the Limit Condition Attempt Limit for the activity.
The Condition always evaluates to True.
The "Objective Status Known and Satisfied" is a special condition created in SilkRoad Learning. By default, this status is equivalent to the "Satisfied" condition unless it is negated. In SCORM, a negated "Satisfied" condition checks whether the status is NOT Satisfied and ONLY NOT satisfied. SCORM does not check whether the status is also NOT Known. Using the negation of the "Objective Status Known and Satisfied" is a short cut within SilkRoad Learning to provide a way to check the ANY condition "Is the Status NOT Satisfied OR NOT Known". For additional information, see deMorgan’s Laws
Objectives used in the condition may be a Local Objective (i.e. the Primary Objective for the activity), a Shared Local Objective (i.e. a Local Objective from another activity in the objective that is mapped in the objective map), or a SilkRoad Learning Objective (i.e. an enabling objective defined in SilkRoad Learning).