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User roles and workgroups

Two important aspects of the Administration Portal are user roles and workgroups.

User roles

Rather than lock users into predefined roles, SilkRoad Learning allows the configuration of unlimited user roles. User roles allow individuals or groups of users to be assigned security permissions and data view restrictions. User roles adapt to the work that that user is required to perform.

Typical user roles are:

  • Training Administrator
  • Registrar
  • Content Developer
  • Instructor
  • Student

Roles can be further segmented into finer user-roles, depending on the size and complexity of an organization. Other roles likely in a larger, more complex operation are:

  • Supervisor
  • Schedule Planner
  • Department or Divisional Training Manager
  • Qualifications and Certification
  • eCommerce/Marketing Manager


Roles are defined as workgroups. Each workgroup can have one or more functions assigned as shortcuts, which can appear on the Administration Portal home page. Users can be assigned responsibility for (and access to) any function in the system such as adding users, registering students, creating courses, monitoring student progress, pulling reports, and so on.