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Student Properties page

On the Student Properties screen, you can create a student or modify the properties for an existing student.


Login: Student login ID. Login IDs are unique and are used to identify the student.

Password: Enter a password for the student.

Confirm Password: Re-enter the password.

Title: Titles available in drop down list.

First Name: Student first name.

Middle Name: Student middle name(s).

Last Name: Student last name.

Full Name: Student full name.

Email: Student email address.

Force Profile update on next login: Select this check box to automatically force a profile update when the user next logs in. Otherwise, leave the box unchecked.

User can edit profile: Select this check box to allow a user to edit his profile or leave the box unchecked to allow a user to edit his profile page.


Personal Development



Contact Information

Personal Information

Billing Information


Custom Data Fields
