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Scheduled reports

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Scheduled reports are SilkRoad Learning-generated reports that run on a specific day at a specific time. The reports are available to authenticated SilkRoad Learning users with privileges to view them.

With scheduled reports, you can:

  • Run reports at off-peak hours and save system resources during high volume work hours
  • Get a snapshot of data at a specific time and date
  • Get easy access to a specific report via a notification link
  • Export data that can then be accessed and absorbed into other systems

A SilkRoad Learning administrator creates scheduled reports on the Company Reports page.

Viewing scheduled reports

Authenticated SilkRoad Learning users with permissions view scheduled reports via a link. After a scheduled report runs, the link is available:

  • On the Company Reports page
  • Via a notification (if set up)
  • By copying and pasting the link into a browser

Date and time stamp in file name and on report footer

The date and time stamp appear in the file name and report footer.

  • Report file name convention is: [report name]_year_month_day_server time_UTC.pdf.
  • Report footer format is: day-month-year time

Reports are scheduled in company time when set up on the Company Report Properties page. However, reports generate in server time. This means the report footer shows server time but the report actually ran at the correctly scheduled company time.


Notifications are used to alert applicable SilkRoad Learning users and SilkRoad Learning administrators that a scheduled report generated. Notifications can also be used to alert administrators that a scheduled report did not generate. The two event types that provide scheduled report notifications are:

  • Scheduled Reports Failed
  • Scheduled Reports Run

In this section

Create a scheduled report

Run a scheduled report on demand (now)

View a scheduled report