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Course Activity Summary

The Course Activity Summary provides a summary of current status for each activity within the eCourse for all content objects. The summary has these columns:

  • Course Structure: Shows the structure of the eCourse (activities within).
  • First Access: Shows the date and time when user accessed eCourse for the first time.
  • Last Access: Shows the date and time when the user last accessed eCourse.
  • Mastery Date: Shows the date the user mastered the course.
  • Attempts: Shows the number of times a user accessed the eCourse.
  • Completed: Shows whether a particular activity within eCourse was completed.
  • Satisfied: Shows whether a particular activity within eCourse was satisfied.
  • Score: Shows the score for a particular activity within eCourse.
  • Time: Shows the how much time a user spent in a particular activity within eCourse. Time is also accumulated for all activities within eCourse and rolls up to the top level in this column. (Note: Cluster activities completed prior to version 2013.4 do not display an accumulated time.)

In this section

View a Course Activity Summary for a student