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Create an exam

  1. From the navigation bar, click Content>Authoring>Exams.

    The Exams page opens.

  2. Click Add.

    The Exam Properties page opens.

  3. Type a name for the exam.
  4. Type a reference for the exam to make it easier to find in searches.
  5. Type a description of the exam.
  6. If the exam requires certification, select a certification type.
  7. Assign categories if appropriate.
  8. Select a type.
  9. Click in the check boxes if:
    • The exam is being proctored (turned on)
    • Questions should be randomized each time the test is generated (if unchecked, the questions will be presented in the order of the objectives assigned to the exam properties)
    • The question choices should be randomized for each question
  10. Under Exam Rules, click Add.

    On the Exam Rule Properties page, define the rule and click Add.

  11. Click Add.