Administrator Properties page
On this page, you define properties for an administrator.
Login: Type a login ID.
Password: Type a password.
Confirm Password: Re-type the password you entered in the Password box.
Title: Select a title.
First Name: Type the first name of the administrator.
Middle Name: Type the middle name of the administrator.
Last Name: Type the last name of the administrator.
Full Name: Type the full name of the administrator.
Email: Type the email address of the administrator.
Force Profile update on next login: Select this check box to force the administrator to update profile at next login.
Use External Authentication: If you want to use external authentication, select this check box.
Force Password Change on next login: To force a password change for the user on the next login, select this check box.
Security Settings: Click this button to restrict viewing access to specific data fields in an enterprise based upon individual or workgroup security settings.
Language Preference: The language the user prefers to use for communications.
Email Format: The default email format. The options are:
- (use default): Pulls in the default email format that is set on the Company settings page (Default Email Format setting) and renders email accordingly.
- HTML: Renders email as HTML text.
- Plain Text: Renders email as plain text.
Employee ID/Reference: Type a unique identifier for the user.
Start Date: Click the box or calendar icon to select a start date. This date is typically the date the user is added in SilkRoad Learning.
Termination Date: If the user no longer needs access to SilkRoad Learning (such as when terminating employment), click the box or calendar icon to select a termination date.
Status: Select Active or Inactive. A user that is inactive in SilkRoad Learning cannot access any information.
Status Description: Type any additional information to describe the user's status such as retired, on leave, and so on.
Contact Information
Enter any additional contact information if required.
Personal Information
Birthdate: Click the box or calendar icon to select the user's birthday from a calendar pop-up.
Gender: Select the user's gender from the list.
Notes: Type any additional notes if applicable.