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Venue Properties page

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On the Venue Properties page, you define the properties for a venue.


Name: Type the name of the venue.

Description: Type a description of the venue.

Contact Name: Type the name of a contact person at the venue.

Contact Email: Type the email address of the contact person at the venue.

Contact Phone: Type the phone number of a contact person at the venue.

Contact Fax: Type the fax number of a contact person at the venue.

Address: Type the venue's address.

City: Type city where the venue is located.

State/Province: Type the state or province where the venue is located.

Country: Type the country where the venue is located.

Zip/Postal Code: Type the zip code/postal code where the venue is located.

Phone: Type the phone number of the venue.

Fax: Type the fax number of the venue.

Website: Type the venue's website address.

Notes: Type any additional notes about the venue.

Directions: Type directions to the venue.