On the Custom Data Field Properties page, you create a custom data field and define its properties.
Field Title: Type a unique name for the custom field. Create a name that can easily be identified as part of the group name and property sheet where the custom field will be located. This is important if you plan to use the SilkRoad Learning Data Import Utility to populate custom fields in your database or create any custom report that uses this field.
Reference: Type a reference for this item to make it easier to find in searches.
Table: Select a table where the field is to appear.
Field Type: Select a field type:
- Boolean
- Date
- List
- Multi Select
- Memo
- Text
Group Name: Type a group name.
Active: Select this check box so that the custom data field appears on the property page.
Display Order: Type a number to determine the order of appearance on the property page. Use a numbering scheme that will allow you to modify the field order in future. For example, use 101-199 for the first group of custom fields, 201-299 for the second group of custom fields, and so on.