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Unsubmit a checklist

If a checklist is submitted in the Student Portal (has a Complete status) and you need to reset it so it can be edited, follow the steps here to unsubmit it.

  1. From the navigation bar, click Learning>Assess>Assignments.

    The Assignments Assessments page opens.

  2. From the Assessment Request drop-down box, select Edit Existing Records.
  3. In the Students column, click Select, select the student whose checklist needs to be unsubmitted, and click Confirm.
  4. In the Assignments column, click Select, select the assignment that contains the checklist, and click Confirm.
  5. Click Next.
  6. In the Checklist column, click the checklist icon in the record to display the checklist.
  7. Click Unsubmit.
  8. At the prompt, click OK.
  9. Click Save and then close the window.

    The checklist status in the Student Portal returns to In Progress. The checklist can now be edited.