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Portal Roles

You can specify upon completion of this task, an Eprise role is assigned or unassigned from the employee. This allows the employee's portal experience to be customized based on where they are in the event's life-cycle.

Assign Eprise Role: As a result of completing this task, you may assign the benefiter of the task to a privilege group.  The portal may make links and/or menu items available based on the privileges defined in your portal content.

Unassign Eprise Role: As a result of completing this task, you may remove the benefiter of the task from a privilege group.  The portal may make links and/or menu items available based on the privileges defined in your portal content.

Task Summary Employee Profile

Note: The same task summary display is used if it is viewed through the portal or interface.

You can include the Employee Profile and/or event category information in your Task Summary display if you want. Check the fields to display on the Event Details section of Task Summary page (portal and user interface).