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Set the role to receive the disagreement notification email

Note: This topic assumes you are accessing a workflow template already containing the Acknowledge meeting workflow step.

  1. From the Navigation bar under Appraisals, select Manage Workflow Templates.
  2. In the Workflow Templates list, find the workflow template containing the Acknowledge meeting workflow step and click Manage.

    The Workflow Template page displays the defined workflow and workflow steps.

  3. In the Workflow Steps section, beside the Acknowledge Meeting step, click the Edit link.
  4. Scroll down and find the Disagreement Notification Email section.

  5. In the Role to Send Email to drop-down list, select the role to receive the disagreement notification email.

    Tip: You can change this role at any time even after the workflow template is launched.

  6. (If applicable) Select the Use Parent Relationship check box to constrain the notification to employees with a parent relationship in the selected role to the employee acknowledging the meeting.
  7. Click Save.