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Appraisal module email set

The Manage Appraisal Email Set screen allows Client Administrators to add, delete, copy and edit the Appraisal module email sets. The Appraisal module includes these email sets:

  • Base Email Template for Appraisal Write
  • Appraisal Read
  • Appraisal Edit
  • Appraisal Review
  • Appraisal Reports
  • Appraisal Acknowledge (includes Appraisal approval meeting email and Disagreement Notification email)
  • Appraisal Start (not used)
  • Appraisal Send
  • Appraisal Select

To use or customize the email sets, you can either modify the Base Narrative Template or create a copy of the email set and edit your copy. Copying retains all of the system generated values in the base and allows you to go back to the original version if needed. It is recommended that you copy the Base templates in all situations and work from your copies.

Note For each workflow step in the appraisal process, you can select an email set. Once an Appraisal workflow template is launched, email sets cannot be deleted but the content can be edited.

In this section

Disagreement notification email

Setting up the disagreement notification email