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Employee purge

Employee purge functionality lets administrators remove user personal data from the system. This functionality is in response to European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) "right to be forgotten" requirement. That requirement gives individuals power to request the removal of their personal data when there is no compelling justification for its continued processing by a company.

Once purged, a user's data CANNOT be recovered. It's gone.

Data that is removed

Purging removes an employee's personal information such as:

  • User Profile/UDFs
  • Self reviews and reviews completed by employee
  • Goals for employee
  • Journal entries
  • Compensation
  • Succession Planning

Data that is kept

The system maintains some information for audit purposes (user ID, number of records purged, administrator who purged the data, and purge date). None of this audit data identifies a user in a meaningful way.

In this section

Purge an employee