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Narrative modules

Administration narratives


Admin Home Page

Welcome message for the Administration Home page.

Content Management Home Page

Welcome message for the Content Management Tools Home page.

Edit Navigation Node

Instructions for adding and editing navigation nodes.

Error Message

Error message and instructions for reporting an issue.

Login Page

Instructions for logging in to Rival WingSpan.

Manage Assessor Categories

Instructions for adding, editing and deleting assessor categories.

Manage Assessor Category Rules

Instructions for adding, editing and deleting category rules associated with category sets.

Manage Assessor Category Sets

Information about category sets and instructions for adding, editing and deleting category sets.

Manage Navigation

Instructions for managing the navigation tree.

My Journals

Information about using the Journal feature.

Select Language and Regional Settings

Information about the language settings for Rival WingSpan.

Rival WingSpan Home Page

Introduction and instructions displayed on the Rival WingSpan Home page.

Appraisal Narrative Sets


Acknowledge Meeting Agree

Confirming the appraisal review meeting on the meeting date.

Acknowledge Meeting Disagree

Instructions for entering appraisal corrections in the Journal.

Appraisal Tasks

A list of all open appraisal tasks.

Get Meeting Reports

Prompt to confirm you have all of your meeting reports.

Get Meeting Reports Complete

Notifying report reviewers that the Meeting Reports Task is complete.

Get Meeting Reports Email

Notifying the report reviewer that the meeting reports will be generated and emailed.

Journal Entry Required to Save Acknowledge Meeting Prompt

Notifying the user that a journal entry must be made in order to save the meeting acknowledge task.

Meeting Acknowledge Prompt

Prompt to confirm the review meeting as complete.

Meeting Completed Prompt

Confirmation that the review meeting has been submitted as complete.

Meeting Saved Prompt

Prompt to continue editing the review meeting task or save and exit.

Performance Appraisal Module

Introduction for the Performance Planning Module.

Select Reviewers

Instructions for selecting a reviewer.

Assessment Narrative Sets


Add New Assessor

Instructions to add a new assessor.

Assessment Completed Prompt

Prompt to confirm submission of an assessment as complete.

Assessment Module

Introduction for the Assessment Module.

Assessment Share Prompt

Prompt to share the completed assessment with the Assessee.

Assessment Shared Prompt

Prompt informing the assignee that the assessment has been shared with the assessee.

Assessor Match

Instructions to confirm or reject a duplicate match.

Complete Assessment

Instructions for completing the assessment.

Decline Assessment Prompt

Prompt to decline the assessment.

Manage Assessments

Instructions for managing assessments.

Review Assessors

Instructions for approving or rejecting an assessor list.

Search Assessors

Instructions for adding an assessor.

Share Assessment Reports

Instructions for sharing assessment reports with others.

View Assessors

Prompt to view assessors.

Development Planning Narrative Sets


Add Development Plan

Instructions for creating a new development plan.

Add Activity

Narrative on the Add Activity page for Rival WingSpan activities

Add Activity (GL)

Narrative on the Add Activity page for Rival Learn eCourse and Training Activities

Add New Activity

Narrative on Add New Activity page

Complete Activity

Narrative on the Complete Activity page

Delete Development Plan Activity Prompt

Prompt to confirm deletion of development plan activity.

Delete Development Plan Assessment Link Prompt.

Prompt to confirm deletion of an assessment link.

Delete Development Plan Goal Link Prompt

Prompt to confirm deletion of a goal link.

Delete Development Plan Prompt

Prompt to confirm deletion of a development plan.

Development Plan Activity

Information about Development Plan activity.

Development Planning Module

Introduction for the Development Planning Module.

Edit Activity

Narrative on the Edit Activity page

Manage Development Plan

Instructions to manage a development plan.

Review Activity

Narrative on the Review Activity page for the Manager

Review Development Plan

Narrative on the Review Development Plan page for the Manager

Select Activity

Prompt to select an activity.

Select Development Plan

Prompt to select a development plan.

Select Development Plan to Review

Narrative on the Select Development Plan to Review page for the Manager

View Activity

Narrative on the View Activity page

View Activity (Manager)

Narrative on the View Activity page for the Manager

Performance Planning Narrative Sets


Accept Cascaded Goal

Notifying the employee that the goal is being added to the performance plan as approved.

Add Goal to Cascade

Notifying the employee that the goal is being added to his/her cascaded goals.

Admin Plan Dashboard

Instructions for managing launched performance plans.

Approve Goal

Prompt to confirm goal approval.

Approve Plan

Prompt to confirm plan approval.

Assign/Prescribe Goals

Instructions for cascading goals.

Copy Cascaded Goal

Notifying the employee that the goal is being copied to his/her cascaded goals.

Copy Development Activity to Goal

Instructions for copying development activity to a goal.

Copy Development Activity to Goal—Goal Description

Notifying the employee of development activity that needs to be completed.

Copy Goal

Prompt to notify the employee that the goal is being copied to the plan rule.

Copy Plan Rule

Prompt to copy a plan rule.

Decline Cascaded Goal

Prompt to confirm the decline of the cascaded goal.

Delete Cascaded Goal

Notifying the manager that the goal will be deleted from cascaded goals and any other plan it has been cascaded to and accepted without modification.

Delete Goal

Notifying the employee that the goal will be deleted from his/her plan.

Delete Plan Rule

Prompt to confirm deletion of a plan rule.

Goal Details

Instructions for creating or editing a goal.

Link Development Activity to Goal

Instructions for linking development activity to a goal.

Manage My Plan

Instructions for managing your goal plan.

Mark Goal Complete

Notifying the employee that the goal will be marked as complete.

Modify Cascaded Goal

Instructions for modifying a cascaded goal.

My Team Members Instructions

Instructions for managing your team members.

Non-Manager Cascaded Goals

Instructions for employees to manage cascaded goals.

Performance Planning Module

Introduction to the Performance Planning Module.

Reject Goal

Prompt to confirm rejection of a goal.

Reject Plan

Prompt to confirm rejection of a goal plan.

Reopen Goal

Prompt to confirm reopening of a goal.

Reopen Plan

Prompt to confirm reopening of a goal plan.

Request Goal Approval

Notifying the employee that an email will be sent to his/her manager requesting goal approval.

Request Plan Approval

Notifying the employee that an email will be sent to his/her manager requesting goal plan approval.

Reset Goal Score

Prompt to confirm resetting a goal score.

Review Plan

Instructions for using the Review Plans screen.