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Email modules

Administration Emails


Password Reminder

Sent to a user who is requesting his/her password.

Emailed Report

Sent when reports are emailed from Rival WingSpan.

Rival WingSpan Error

Sent to the Client Administrator.

Relationship Assigned

Sent when a new relationship is created or assigned within Rival WingSpan.

Password Reset Notice

Sent to the user notifying them that a password reset request has been made.

Task Warning

Sent to employees to remind them of tasks and goals that are coming due and past due

Appraisal Email Sets


Write Emails

Sent to the appraisal writer when the appraisal write task is launched.

Read Emails

Sent to the appraisal reader when the appraisal read task is launched.

Edit Emails

Sent to the appraisal editor when the appraisal edit task is launched.

Review Emails

Sent to the appraisal meeting leader when the appraisal meeting task is launched.

Reports Emails

Sent to the appraisal report reviewers when the get meeting reports task is launched and when reports are sent.

Acknowledge Emails

  • Sent to the reviewers required to acknowledge the completion of the appraisal meeting when the acknowledge meeting task is launched.
  • Sent to designated role to notify when employee disagrees or has an issue with appraisal meeting acknowledgment.

Send Emails

An ad hoc email sent to the reviewer from a send email step in the workflow.

Select Emails

Sent to the selector when the select reviewers task is launched.

All emails marked with an (*) are sent based on a defined event trigger. Refer to Trigger Options for more information on Assessment Event Triggers.

Assessment Email Sets


Select Assessors

Sent to the assessee requesting the selection of assessors.

Assessment Declined

Sent to the assessee indicating the assessor has declined to complete the assessment.

Complete Assessment

Sent to the assessor requesting participation in the assessment.

Assessment Completed (Self)

Sent to the assessee confirming the completion of his/her self assessment.

Assessment Completed (Manager)

Sent to the manager confirming the completion of the assessment.

Complete Assessment (Self)

Sent to the assessee for a self-assessment.

Complete Assessment (Manager)

Sent to the assessee for a manager assessment.

Select Assessors Reminder (Assessee)*

Sent to the assessee when the select assessors due date is approaching.

Select Assessors Reminder (Manager)*

Sent to the manager when the select assessors due date is approaching and manager approval is required.

Select Assessors Reminder (Assessee)*

Sent to the assessee when the select assessors due date is approaching and manager approval is required.

Complete Minimum Assessments Due Date Reminder*

Sent to the assessee when the minimum assessment completion due date is approaching and the minimum has not been met.

Complete Assessment Due Date Reminder*

Sent to the assessor when the complete assessment due date has passed and the manager does not need to review the reports.

Complete Assessment Due Date Reminder*

Sent to the manager when the complete assessment due date has passed and the manager needs to review the reports.

Review Reports Due Date*

Sent to the manager when the review reports due date is approaching and the manager has not reviewed the reports.

Select Assessors Reminder*

Sent to the assessee when the select assessors due date is approaching.

Select Assessors Reminder*

Sent to the manager when the select assessors due date is approaching and manager approval is required.

Select Assessors Reminder*

Sent to the assessee when the select assessors due date is approaching and manager approval is required.

Complete Minimum Due Date Reminder*

Sent to the assessee when the minimum completion due date is approaching and the minimum has not been met.

Complete Assessment Due Date Reminder*

Sent to the assessor when the complete assessments due date is approaching and the minimum has not been met.

Review Reports Due Date Reminder*

Sent to the manager when the review reports due date is approaching and the manager has not reviewed the reports.

Assessment Closed
(*initiated by trigger or button click)

Sent to the assessor when an incomplete assessment is closed.

Assessment Closed
(*initiated by trigger or button click)

Sent to the manager when an assessment package is closed and a report must be reviewed.

Assessment Closed
(*initiated by trigger or button click)

Sent to the assessee when an assessment package is closed and reports do not need to be reviewed by the manager.

Start Development Plan
(*initiated by trigger or button click)

Sent to the assessee when an assessment is completed telling him/her to create a development plan.

Complete Assessment Reminder*

Sent to the assessee when the complete assessment due date is approaching and assessments have not been completed.

Reports Released

Sent to the assessor when the manager has released the reports.

Complete Assessment Reminder

Sent to the assessee when the remind link is clicked on the manage assessment page.

Assessment Completed

Sent to the assessee as confirmation of a completed self-assessment.

Assessor Removed

Sent to an assessor when the assessee has removed him/her from the assessment package.

Manager Reviewed Assessors

Sent to the assessee when the manager completes reviewing assessors.

Review Assessors

Sent to the manager when manager approval of assessors is required.

Assessment Reports Shared

Sent to the person that the assessment reports have been shared with.

Assessments Closed
(*initiated by trigger or button click)

Sent to the selector when an assessment package is closed.

Development Planning Email Sets


Start Development Plan

Sent when the development plan is launched.

Activity Approval Request

Sent to the manager requesting development plan approval.

Activity Approved

Sent to the assignee notifying him/her of the approval of the development plan request.

Activity Rejected

Sent to the assignee notifying him/her of the rejection of the development plan request.

Activity Reminder

Sent to the assignee to notify him/her of the approaching due date for the development plan.

Admin Assigned Activity

Sent to the assignee indicating assigned development plan activity.

Performance Planning Email Sets


Set Goals (Employee Version)

Sent to the employee when a performance plan is launched.

Set Goals (Manager Version)

Sent to the manager when a performance plan is launched for his/her employee.

Prescribed goals updated

Sent to employees when a prescribed goal is edited by a manager.

Plan Approved

Sent to the employee notifying him/her of approval of the goal plan. (Approval on the Plan level.)

Plan Rejected

Sent to the employee indicating rejection of the goal plan. (Approval on the Plan level.)

Goal Approved

Sent to the employee indicating approval of a goal. (Approval of individual goals.)

Goal Rejected

Sent to the employee indicating rejection of a goal. (Approval of individual goals.)

Goal Rejected

Sent to the employee to notify him/her that the manager has rejected a goal after the plan approval date has passed.

Goal Scored

Sent to the employee when his/her manager has scored an employee goal.

Goal Drop Allowed

Sent to the employee notifying him/her that the goal drop request is allowed.

Goal Drop Denied

Sent to the employee notifying him/her that the goal drop request is denied.

Goal Extension Allowed

Sent to the employee notifying him/her that the goal extension request is allowed.

Goal Extension Denied

Sent to the employee notifying him/her that the goal extension request is denied.

Goal Assigned

Sent to the employee notifying him/her of an assigned goal.

Review Plans (Goal Level)

Sent to the manager to remind him/her of the goal plan review task. (one email is sent daily)

Review Plans (Goal Level, Viewer & Reviewer Version)

Sent to the reviewer to remind him/her of the goal plan review task. (one email is sent daily)

Review Plans (Goal Level, Supervisor Version)

Sent to the supervisor to remind him/her of the goal plan review task. (one email is sent daily)

Review Plans Reminder

Sent to the Manager indicating that there are goals to review in a plan. (one email sent nightly if the trigger is enabled)

Set Goals (Manager Version, Auto-launched)

Sent to a manager when goals are auto-launched for his/her employees.

No Goals Set

Sent to the employee notifying him/her that the approval date set for goals has passed and he/she has not set any goals.

No Approved Goals

Sent to the employee notifying him/her that his/her manager did not respond to the review/approval request of the goal. All requests have been system allowed.

Review Plans (Plan Level)

Sent to the manager requesting review of the goal plan.

Review Plans (Plan Level, Viewer & Reviewer Version)

Sent to the reviewer requesting review of the goal plan.

Period Approve Date

Sent to the manager when the approve date has passed and the manager has goals that have not been reviewed.

Review Plans (Plan Level, Supervisor Version)

Sent to the supervisor requesting review of the goal plan.

Period End Date

Sent to the Manager notifying him/her that the period for reviewing an employee’s goal plan has past and all requests have been system allowed.

Period End Date

Sent to the employee notifying him/her that the period end date has passed and his/her goals have been set to end.

Period End Date

Sent to the Manager notifying him/her that the period for reviewing an employee’s goal plan has past and all requests have been system allowed.

Period Result Date

Sent to the employee notifying him/her that the period result date has passed and he/she did not enter results for one or more goals.

Period Score Date

Sent to the employee notifying him/her that period score date has passed and his/her manager has not scored the goals.

Period Score Date

Sent to the manager notifying him/her that the period score date has passed and he/she has employee goals that have not been scored.

Pre-plan Approve Date Reminder

Sent to the employee reminding him/her to set goals and have them approved.

Pre-plan Approve Date Reminder

Sent to the manager reminding him/her to assign goals and/or launch plans for his/her employees.

Goal Due Date

Sent to the employee to notify him/her that the approve goal date has passed but the period result date has not.

Plan Approve Date Reminder

Sent to the employee notifying him/her that the approve goal date has passed and he/she has all unapproved goals or no goals.

Plan Approve Date Reminder

Sent to the manager notifying him/her that his/her employee has all unapproved goals or no goals and the approve goal date has passed.

Pre-period Approve Date Reminder

Sent to the employee reminding him/her that he/she has all unapproved goals or no goals and the period approve date is approaching.

Period Result Date Reminder

Sent to the employee reminding him/her that he/she has goals that need to be scored and the period result date is approaching.

Dashboard Reminder

Sent when the Manager or Admin uses the Remind Selected link on the dashboard.

Goal Rescore Allowed

Sent to the employee notifying him/her that his/her manager has approved a multi-score goal request.

Unassign Goal, Plan Level, Modified

Sent to the employee notifying him/her that his/her manager has unassigned a modified goal.

Unassign Goal, Plan Level

Sent to the employee notifying him/her that his/her manager has unassigned a prescribed/accepted goal.

Unassign Goal, Goal Level, Modified

Sent to the employee notifying him/her that his/her manager has unassigned a modified goal.

Unassign Goal, Goal Level

Sent to the employee notifying him/her that his/her manager has unassigned a prescribed/accepted goal.