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Using Rival Learn system & email variables

Rival WingSpan uses substitution variables in the email and narrative sets. Substitution variables act as placeholders for information. For example, the variable %CONTACT_PHONE% is a placeholder for the customer’s contact phone number. This allows updates and changes to information without manually changing each email set. The variable information is maintained by Rival and changes to system variables must be made by your implementation consultant or Rival Support.

Substitution variables are saved on the Manage Variables page during the implementation of Rival WingSpan. Changes and updates to these variables must be made by your implementation consultant or Rival Support.

Rival WingSpan variable nomenclature should not be modified; however, you may add or remove variables from emails and narratives. It is important to remember that there is a % symbol at the beginning and end of each variable (%CONTACT_PHONE%).

The following tables list and define Rival WingSpan system and email variables.

In this section

Rival WingSpan system variables

Rival WingSpan email variables