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Configure new users

The Initial Qualification Effective Date can be used to pre-configure your SilkRoad Learning site prior to releasing training to a group of students. During implementation, or prior to releasing to a new group of users, setting the Initial Qualification Effective Date for a student or Group of students provides a method to control when all user qualifications become effective.

When a Qualification becomes effective it is controlled by the latest date for any student membership based on when they became a member of the Qualification. The latest date of the Initial Qualification Effective Date or the 6 membership dates determines when the Qualification will be effective:

Student Group

The date the student became a member of the Student Group


The date the student became a member of the Job

Job Category

The date the student became a member of the Job Category

Organization Unit

The date the student became a member of the Organization Unit


The date the student became a member of the Qualification because of Individual inclusion

Qualification Effective Date

The date that the certification within the Qualification is to take effect.

Initial Qualification Effective Date

The date set in the Student Properties for "Initial Qualification Effective Date" either manually in the interface or through an HR import.