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Add a certification rule to a qualification

Embedded File Template 80%

  1. On the Qualification Properties page, in the Certification section under Competencies, click Add.
  2. On the Qualification Competency Properties page, from the Competency box, click Select.
  3. On the Competencies page, click Search or filter the search by typing additional information into the filter boxes.
  4. Select the check box of the competency then click Confirm.
  5. In the Comment dialog box, type a comment.
  6. From the Certification Type drop-down box, select the certification type. The Certification Type provides a way to apply a certification template to a course. When the course is added to any qualification, the certification rules are applied automatically. If the rule changes in the future, editing the Certification rules in the Certification definition will apply the changes to all courses in all qualifications where they are used.
  7. From the Effective Date drop-down boxes, select a day, month, and year, or click Select Date. Setting an effective date into the future along with an Activation date equal to the Certification time period, SilkRoad Learning automatically pushes the training to all users at the future date.
  8. From the Certification Period text box, type a number, and then select the qualifier from the drop-down box. Certification period is the time within which a user must complete training the first time they complete the training. No time limits would only be true if the Certification period were set to null.
  9. From the Activation Period text box, type a number, then select the qualifier from the drop-down box. Activation period controls when the certification will become active and be pushed to the user.
  10. From the Final Due Date drop-down boxes, select a day, month, and year or click Select Date. The final due date is the absolute due date the user will have to complete the certification.
  11. In the Recertification Method drop-down box, select one of the following:
    • None
    • Mastery Date: For the Recertification Period and/or Reactivation Period text boxes, type the number for Years, Months, or Days. Recertification Due Dates are calculated based on the Mastery Date for a certification record
    • Fixed Period: For the Base Due Date select a date. For the Recertification Period and/or Reactivation Period text boxes, type the number for Years, Months, or Days. Recertification Due Dates are calculated based on the Mastery Date for a certification record and its relationship to a fixed Base Due Date, Recertification Period and the Reactivation Period defined for the Certification
  12. Select the Enable Recertification Notifications check box to allow for notifications of recertification.
  13. Click Add.