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Content objects

A content object is a reusable content structure. It consists of a collection or cluster of activities that—when combined—form an eCourse. Content objects can be reused in multiple courses or linked to other content objects. Content objects may be referred to as Reusable Learning Objects (RLOs) or Shareable Content Objects (SCOs).

In SilkRoad Learning, a content object might include:

  • A single imported course
  • Something built in SilkRoad Learning
  • A group of imported courses

A content object can be stand-alone or made up of smaller or multiple content objects.

Key info

  • A content object's structure can be made up of various content types like No Content (Header Item), assignment, exam, external web link, HTML, links to other content object, media file, survey, and training activity.
  • Collaborative authoring allows an individual or workgroup to own a content object.
  • A content object can have a defined workflow and modifiable status.
  • Best practice: Only approved content objects from the Content Library should be used in an eCourse.

Good to know

  • The system uses check in/check out rules to control access to content objects.
  • A content object can be defined as proctored. A proctored content object is locked and cannot be viewed unless unlocked by a privileged proctor (who is defined for the object). A proctor must must be a member of a workgroup associated to the content object.
  • Proctored content objects can be either SCORM or AICC.

In this section

Content Objects (Development) page

Content Object Properties page

Add a content object

Content Object Authoring page

Author a content object

Rollup course mastery on completion only