Fill in the Blank template
![Embedded File Template 80%](14734.png)
Use this template to create a fill in the blank question where users must type a correct response into one or more blanks.
Source: Type the source information for the question.
Reference ID: Type the reference information for the question.
Order: Type an order value. Exams with random question order turned off use the order number to arrange questions in the exam from small to large order number. Exams with random question order turned on ignore the order number.
Weight: Type the weight value. The weight is used to set the score for the question. Weight is used to increase the value of a question when used in an exam.
Type: Select the check box of either or both of the question types. Self Check questions display feedback to users. Exam questions do not display feedback and are used in scored exams.
Objective: Click to search for and select an objective to link to the question.
Categories: To assign categories, click a category or categories from the Available list and use the arrow buttons to move them to the Assigned list.
Add Line: Click this button, then click Click Here To Add A Question Stem to add a question.