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Add a multiple choice or multiple response question to the Question Bank

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  1. From the navigation bar, click Content>Library>Question Bank.

    The Questions page opens.

  2. Click Add.

    The Question Properties page opens.

  3. In the Question Template drop-down list, select Multiple Choice or Multiple Response.
  4. Type the source and reference ID.

    These are both used as filters when searching for questions.

  5. Type the stem to the question.
  6. (Optional) Add media items.

    Media items display between the question and answers.

  7. (Optional) Weight the questions and place in a specific order.

    Note: This can be overridden when creating an exam.

  8. Determine if the question is being used for exams, self-checks, or both.

    Tip: Checking both gives you the most flexibility.

  9. (Optional) Select the objective to which the question is tied.

    While this is optional, it is a best practice to tie an objective to a question. This ensures that tracking and measurement is linked to the student and to the training correctly and consistently. It also improves analysis of training content when running reports. If all the students are getting a question wrong, designers can go back to that content for edits or revisions.

  10. Select Force Choice Order to ensure that the answers to the questions are displayed in the same order to the student.
  11. Type the answers in each of the answer boxes, and type in feedback immediately following the answer (if desired).
  12. Click the X to indicate the correct answer.

    The X turns into a green check mark.

  13. Click Add Choice to add additional text boxes for choices and feedback.

    Tip: Use the up and down arrows to move the choices and feedback.

  14. For Multiple Responsive Question Template, click Conditional Responses. Type a conditional response for each correct answer and a conditional response for each wrong answer.

    Conditional responses provide the ability to create self-check questions that progressively lead the learner toward selecting the correct response. Feedback is provided based on conditions. With each incorrect response, a different set of feedback can be provided to the user.

    The conditional response appears after the choice response for each selection made by a student when answering the question in a self-check type exam.

  15. Click a preview button to preview the question:
    • Preview as Self-Check Question displays feedback if provided.
    • Preview as Exam displays the question only.
  16. Click Add.