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Course catalog item

A course catalog item is a training opportunity for a student. It can be an eCourse or training activity and must be active so that students can view and select it from a course catalog.

A course catalog item can be free or available for purchase. If purchasable, the catalog item can have the same price across all catalogs or different prices in various catalogs. For eCourse catalog items, a subscription can be set up with a price specific to a subscription period. A subscription period is a period of time when the eCourse is available for purchase in a course catalog.

A SilkRoad Learning administrator creates and maintains course catalog items on the Course Catalog Item page in the Administration Portal. Students select course catalog items from a course catalog in the Student Portal.

In this section

Course Catalog Items page

Course Catalog Item page

Add a course catalog item to SilkRoad Learning

Add a course catalog item to a course catalog (course catalog item method)

Change a course catalog item

Inactivate a course catalog item

Delete a course catalog item

Provide a direct link to a course catalog item