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Configuring task-initiated real time integration

A client administrator configures this feature by creating a task and turning on (enabling) the Send Integration Notifications notification. The administrator can then add one or more integrations to be called. Under the Notifications tab, select Send Integration Notifications:

Then click Add New Integration, and provide the URL to be called along with any static text to include:

Tip: More than one integration can be configured in each task. Just click Add New Integration again and provide the URL and static text for each integration.

After the task is completed, the URL is called and the static text and information about the event benefiter is sent. That information can be used to identify the user so that an integration can pull the data that is needed.

The output payload will look like this:

"TaskDefintionId": 618,
"StaticText": "Text Supplied from task definition",
"ForWhomOwner": "66232081-399d-4bfe-8d59939fdf20c608",
"TaskCompletedBy": "",
"TaskCompletedDate": "2021-11-12T17:55:57.190Z",
"TaskDueDate": "2021-10-13T04:00:00.000Z",
"EventName": "Onboarding",
"EventId": 1,
"EventCode": "Event_1",
"EformObjectId": null

Note: If an eForm is associated with the task, EformObjectId does not have a null value. Instead it contains the eForm name.