Data segmentation and event attributes
As described in Identifying the data segment, the data segment for events is determined by the category value of the event category associated with the data segmentation category. However, if the event is defined without a category associated with the data segmentation category, none of its events will have a data segment.
Details about new category type
- Category aliases are currently used for event categories and key property categories. Version 2.8.0 uses category aliases to define a new event category type called event attributes. These categories are defined exactly like event categories except that they are not used for filtering task definitions.
- To help you define events correctly, any existing event categories that are not really used in task assignment are converted to event attributes. (This means event categories that have the root category value for all task definitions in the event to event attributes, and are not used to limit team tasks in the same event.)
- Event attributes are either required or not. Every event must have a category value for a required event attribute just like event categories. However, unlike event categories, the value is not restricted to leaf nodes.
- Manage Event Attributes privilege lets you manage event attributes.
- Unlike event categories, addition or removal of event attributes to or from an event definition at any time is allowed.
- Every event definition must have at least one category or attribute. Event definitions can have no categories and at least one attribute or vice-versa.
- When adding a new required attribute and there are events for the event definition:
- If the attribute is also a key property category, you are prompted to set the value for the event attribute on all events to the value of the for whom employee’s corresponding key property. If you agree, the suggested action is performed.
- If the attribute is not a key property category, the attribute value is set to the root category value for all events or for events that do not get a value from above.
- Attributes along with event categories are shown when launching or editing events. Only values for required attributes and regular event categories are required. Additionally, event categories are restricted to leaf category values.
- BulkImport, LaunchEvent, and UpdateEvent support attributes like regular event categories except that they only require values for required attributes and regular event categories.