Data segmentation not configured
Data segmentation configured
Employees, Assignees, Tasks, tabs of Dashboard or Shared Dashboards
All employees, assignees for events for which viewer (or sharer) is named person, and tasks assigned to viewer (or sharer).
No change
Share Dashboard (selecting employees with whom to share one’s dashboard)
Viewer can share dashboard with any other employee that has the SelectToShareDashboard privilege.
Viewer can share dashboard with any other employee that has the SelectToShareDashboard privilege and viewer’s assignment category values for “Data Segmentation Category” match employee’s key property category value.
Find Employee
Search results shall return any employee that matches viewer’s search criteria.
Search results shall return any employee that matches viewer’s search criteria AND whose key property category value for “Data Segmentation Category” matches viewers assignment category values.
Manage Teams
When adding members to a team, viewer can select any employee.
When adding members to a team, viewer can select any employee whose key property category value for “Data Segmentation Category” matches viewer’s assignment category values.
Launch Event
When selecting the for whom employee and named persons, viewer can select any employee.
When selecting the for whom employee and named persons, viewer can select any employee in whose key property category value for “Data Segmentation Category” matches viewer’s assignment category values.
I-9 Dashboard (U.S. clients only)
I-9 Dashboard totals and drill-down reports show for all employees with I-9s or E-Verify cases.
I-9 Dashboard totals and drill-down reports show for all employees with I-9s or E-Verify cases. For ALL Work Events for which the event category value for “Data Segmentation Category” matches viewer’s assignment category values.
Event Report
Report shows all Work Events.
Report shows ALL Work Events for which the event category value for “Data Segmentation Category” matches viewer’s assignment category values.
Event Summary Report
Report shows summary for all Work Events.
Report shows summary for ALL tWork Events for which the event category value for “Data Segmentation Category” matches viewer’s assignment category values.
Task Promptness Report
Report shows tasks for all Work Events.
Report shows tasks for ALL Work Events for which the event category value for “Data Segmentation Category” matches viewer’s assignment category values.
Assignee Promptness Report
Report shows assignees for all Work Events.
Report shows assignees for ALL Work Events for which the event category value for “Data Segmentation Category” matches viewer’s assignment category values.
Forms Report
Report shows all forms.
Report shows forms for ALL Work Events for which the event category value for “Data Segmentation Category” matches viewer’s assignment category values.
Links to view/edit profile from:
Shows links for all employees.
Shows links for any employees whose key property category value for “Data Segmentation Category” matches viewer’s assignment category values. For all other employees, the employee name is shown as text AND no Edit Profile link on the options button.
Links to view/edit profile from:
Shows links for any employee whose assignment category values for “Category to Limit User Management” match viewer’s assignment category values.
For all other employees, the employee name is shown as text AND no Edit Profile link on the options button.
Shows links for any employee whose key property category value for “Data Segmentation Category” matches viewer’s assignment category values. For all other employees, the employee name is shown as text AND no Edit Profile link on the options button.
Links to view/edit profile from:
Shows links for any employee that has a Work Event with viewer as event coordinator. For all other employees, the employee name is shown as text AND no Edit Profile link on the options button.
Shows links for any employee that has a Work Event with viewer as event coordinator AND whose key property category value for “Data Segmentation Category” matches viewer’s assignment category values. For all other employees, the employee name is shown as text AND no Edit Profile link on the options button.
Links to view/edit profile from:
Shows links for any employee that has a Work Event for which viewer is assignee of the I-9 Step 2 task.
For all other employees, the employee name is shown as text AND no Edit Profile link on the options button.
Shows links for any employee that has a Work Event for which viewer is assignee of the I-9 Step 2 task AND Whose key property category value for “Data Segmentation Category” matches viewer’s assignment category values.
For all other employees, the employee name is shown as text AND no Edit Profile link on the options button.
Links to view/edit profile from:
- Options button
- Event task list
- Reports
When viewer has NONE of EditAllUsers,
I9Administrator, I9Uploader, ViewForms, or Documents privileges NOR is an event coordinator
NOR is on the User Management Team
Displays the employee name as text AND no Edit Profile link on the options button for ALL employees.
Displays the employee name as text AND no Edit Profile link on the options button for ALL employees.
Links to view event task list (and further edit Work Event) from:
Displays links for all Work Events.
Report displays links for ALL Work Events for which The event category value for “Data Segmentation Category” matches viewers assignment category values. For all other Work Events, the event name is shown as text AND no View Xxx Event link on the options button.
Links to view event task list (and further edit Work Event) from:
Report displays links for ALL Work Events for which The event category value for “Category To Limit View Others Tasks” matches viewer’s assignment category values. For all other Work Events, the event name is shown as text AND no View Xxx Event link on the options button.
Report displays links for ALL Work Events for which The event category value for “Data Segmentation Category” matches viewer’s assignment category values. For all other Work Events, the event name is shown as text AND no View Xxx Event link on the options button.
Links to view event task list (and further edit Work Event) from:
Report displays links for ALL Work Events for which Viewer is the event coordinator. For all other Work Events, the event name is shown as text AND no View Xxx Event link on the options button.
Report displays links for ALL Work Events for which Viewer is the event coordinator. For all other Work Events, the event name is shown as text AND no View Xxx Event link on the options button.
Links to view event task list (and further edit Work Event) from:
Displays the event name as text AND no View Xxx Event link on the options button for ALL employees.
Displays the event name as text AND no View Xxx Event link on the options button for ALL employees.
Links to view tasks from Reports When viewer has ViewAllTasks privilege
Displays links for all tasks.
Report displays links for tasks of ALL Work Events for which The event category value for “Data Segmentation Category” matches viewer’s assignment category values. For all other tasks, the task name is shown as text.
Links to view tasks from Reports When viewer has ViewOthersTasks privilege
Report displays links for tasks of ALL Work Events for which The event category value for “Category To Limit View Others Tasks” matches viewer’s assignment category values. For all other tasks, the task name is shown as text.
Report displays links for tasks of ALL Work Events for which The event category value for “Data Segmentation Category” matches viewer’s assignment category values. For all other tasks, the task name is shown as text.
Links to view tasks from Reports When viewer is an event coordinator
Report displays links for tasks of ALL Work Events for which Viewer is the event coordinator.For all other tasks, the task name is shown as text.
Report displays links for tasks of ALL Work Events for which Viewer is the event coordinator. For all other tasks, the task name is shown as text.
Links to view tasks from Reports When viewer has NEITHER of ViewAllTasks, or ViewOthersTasks privileges NOR is an event coordinator
Displays the task name as text for ALL employees.
Displays the task name as text for ALL employees.
Forms Tab (Employee Profile)
Displays all forms for employee being viewed.
Report shows forms for employee being viewed for ALL Work Events for which The event category value for “Data Segmentation Category” matches viewer’s assignment category values.
GetUserProfile web service when viewer has EditAllUsers (otherwise they’ll get no results)
Returns the profile for any employee.
Returns the profile for any employee whose key property category value for “Data Segmentation Category” matches viewer’s assignment category values.
GetUserProfileEx web service when viewer has EditAllUsers and ViewAllTasks (otherwise they’ll get no results)
Returns the profile for any employee.
Returns the profile for any employee whose key property category value for “Data Segmentation Category” matches viewer’s assignment category values. The profile only contains Work Events for which the event category value for “Data Segmentation Category” matches viewer’s assignment category values.
GetCompletedForms web service when viewer has ManageForms (otherwise they’ll get no results)
Returns the form IDs for all forms that match the specified parameter values.
Returns the form IDs for all forms that match the specified parameter values AND whose Work Events’ event category value for “Data Segmentation Category” matches viewer’s assignment category values.
GetFormXml and GetFormPDF web services when viewer has ManageForms (otherwise they’ll get no results)
Returns the form data and PDF for any form.
Returns the form data and PDF for any form in whose Work Event’s event category value for “Data Segmentation Category” matches viewer’s assignment category values.
XmlUserEdit when viewer has EditAllUsers (otherwise they will get errors)
Performs the requested updates for any employee specified in the input XML.
Performs the requested updates for any employee specified in the input XML whose key property category value for “Data Segmentation Category” matches viewer’s assignment category values. “Insufficient permissions” errors are returned for all other employees.
UpdateEvent web service when viewer has ViewAllTasks (otherwise they will get errors)
Performs the requested updates for any event specified in the input XML.
Performs the requested updates for any event specified in the input XML whose event category value for “Data Segmentation Category” matches viewer’s assignment category values. "Insufficient permissions” errors are returned for all other events.