Restricting views based on data segments
After data segmentation is configured, the application restricts the rows a user can view while searching for employees or using reports to those in the data segments that match the viewer’s assignment category values for Data Segmentation Category.
Category value matching summary
Category values are hierarchical. For any given category, a viewer’s category values are defined to match another entity’s (event or employee) category values if the latter is contained in the former’s sub-tree in the hierarchy. In other words, to be viewed, all events require a match of the viewer’s assignment value(s) to event category value(s) and all employees require a match of the viewer’s assignment values(s) to employee key property category value.
For example, the viewer’s assignment category Location is set to a value of New England. If the viewer does an Employee Find, the viewer will match all employees with a key property of any of the following child values NH, MA, CT, RI, VT, ME. The viewer will also match an employee with key property set to New England.
Consequences of category value matching
The following statements are true as consequences of category value matching:
- Viewers whose category values include the root category value (All Locations for example) match every category value for that category, and thus any entity that has a category value for the same category.
- When matching for data segmentation purposes only, the following are also true:
- The viewer must have assignment category values for the category corresponding to the data segmentation category to match any entity. Otherwise they will match nothing.
- Every entity (an employee or a launched event) must have category values for the data segmentation category to match any viewer. Otherwise they will not match any whether or not the viewer has an assignment category value for the corresponding category.