eForms tab
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The eForms tab shows all available eForms in your installation. Any of the forms can be used on tasks in one or more events.
Key info
: eForms you created using eForm Builder
- Click beside a eForm to view version information. The current version of the eForm appears in the top row. Version information includes version, date version was created, and user who published the version.
- When an eForm is checked out by another user, you cannot edit it.
- Undo Checkout discards any changes, including saved changes, since the eForm was checked out. The discarded changes cannot be recovered.
Good to know
- Publishing saves all the current changes and makes the eForm active. Employees who access an eForm from a task for the first time get the latest published eForm.
- When an employee clicks on an eForm link from an incomplete task, if the eForm does not exist, it is created from the latest published version.
- When an employee clicks on an eForm link from an incomplete task, if the eForm exists, the existing eForm is opened for edit.
- When an employee clicks on an eForm link from a complete task, the existing eForm is opened for view and print only.